Elise Boucher

Elise Boucher


Years participated in RESESS: 2022

An Overview

Program: RESESS Satellite

Major: Geology & English

Academic Affiliation: Pitzer College


Elise Boucher is a Junior Geology and English major at Pitzer College in conjunction with Pomona College Geology Department.  As a student researcher with Keck Geology Consortium in the summer of 2021, Elise did research on Adirondack metamorphic pressures and temperatures. At UNAVCO, Elise’s research project is analyzing GPS satellite data to investigate slow slip events at the Cascadia subduction zone. The results will give insight into source physics at depth, such as friction, fluids, rock type and stress state. 

After finishing her undergraduate studies, she plans to continue on to graduate school where she will focus on her interest in climate science.